About Us

Our Mission

Quality Service for Quality Life

Our Vision: Create a superior system of care to meet individualised needs through the provision of quality services shaped by partnerships and built upon integrity, mutual respect and compassion for those served.

“Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are.  Successful people are not superhuman.  Success does not require a super intellect.  Nor is there anything mystical about success.  And success isn’t based on luck.  Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do.  Never – yes Never – sell yourself short.”
David J. Schwartz

Call us for questions 24/7.

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Who is West Texas Centers?

West Texas Centers is a community center under the provisions of Chapter 534 of the Texas Health & Safety Code Ann., as amended, and serves as the designated local authority for mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities for the established service area.  The Center began operations on March 1, 1997 and continues to serve as the designated local authority for mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities through a contractual relationship with the Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Department of Aging  & Disability Services, and Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services.

In addition to services for people with mental illness and intellectual and developmental disabilities, the Center is host to an Early Childhood Intervention program that is known as Little Lives ECI.  This program serves children ages 0-3 years old.

We proudly serve the citizens of Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Fisher, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Howard, Kent, Loving, Martin, Mitchell, Nolan, Reeves, Runnels, Scurry, Terrell, Terry, Upton, Ward, Winkler and Yoakum counties.

The Center provides a wide array of mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities services in approximately 35 sites across the service area to over 2300 individuals through the dedication of approximately 330 staff.  Although administrative offices are located at 319 Runnels, Big Spring, Howard County, Texas, local offices are established throughout most of the catchment area.

Local Planning

As part of West Texas Centers MH/IDD’s Local Planning process, we create two local planning documents. CLSP Consolidated Local Service Plan and the LPND Local Provider Network Development Plan

The Consolidated Local Service Plan

The Consolidated Local Service Plan (CLSP) encompasses all of the service planning requirements for West Texas Centers LMHA/LIDDA as a Local Mental Health Authority and Local Intellectual Developmental Disabilities Authority. Local planning is a collaborative activity and the CLSP asks for information related to community stakeholder involvement in planning. Stakeholder input is an on-going activity, and input received will be reflected in the CLSP.

Local Provider Network Development Plan

WTC LMHA/LIDDA Centers develops a Local Provider Network Development Plan (LPND) regarding the configuration and development of its providers network. The plan reflects the local needs and priorities while maximizing choice and access to qualified service providers for the people we serve.

FY25 Form O CLSP
FY25 QM Plan
FY25 WTC Contracts List

Corporate Compliance

If you would like to report concerns regarding WTC compliance with
state and federal laws, please call the WTC Compliance Officer at 432-264-3267 or 432-935-3833 or use our online compliance form.
WTC is committed to providing quality care and services while maintaining the highest level of compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our work. This form may be used to communicate concerns regarding compliance with state and federal laws. WTC
takes your concerns and privacy very seriously. If you would like your inquiry to remain anonymous, detailed information is even more important as we will not be able to contact you to get more information. If you choose not to provide contact information,
the allegation will be investigated to the highest extent possible. If you would like to be contacted about this inquiry, however, you must provide contact information.

Medical Records Request

To Request Medical Records please call: 432-264-4250.

Medical Records Fax Phone Number: 432-264-4213
Are you interested in volunteering?

Volunteer Work

West Texas Centers welcomes you as a potential volunteer. Options for volunteering are available in our intellecutal & developmental disabilities program as well as our mental health and early childhood intervention program. Administrative work volunteer opportunities are also available.

If you are over the age of 18 and are interested in an enriching, challenging volunteer opportunity, please complete the application below and mail or fax it to:

Attn:  Volunteer Coordinator, Human Resources
409 Runnels
Big Spring, Texas 79720

Once received, someone will contact you about your interest as a volunteer and how we can best utilize your time.

Planning and Network Advisory Committee


Through its local Board, West Texas Centers appoints, charges, and supports a Planning and Network Advisory Committee. Membership of this committee includes consumers, family members, community members, and liaisons from other departments serviced by WTC. Some of the members are also members of their respective Program Committees and bring local issues of concern for consideration as a possible Center-wide concern that may need to be addressed.

Current Membership Current Membership
  • Juan Delgado
  • Minnie Gonzalez
  • Alan Harris
  • Bruce Jaeger
  • Justin Jaeger
  • Eve Nieto
  • Irene Rodriguez
  • Candice Smalling
  • Savannah Smalling
  • Troy Tompkins
  • Amy Vidal
  • Sohnna Wagner
If you have any questions concerning the PNAC Committee or If you wish to become a member of the PNAC Committee, and you meet the criteria mentioned in the narrative above, please contact Amy Vidal at 432-264-3256

WTC Holiday Schedule

2025 Holiday Schedule



Day of Week



New Year's Day


Martin Luther King Day


President's Day


Good Friday


Memorial Day


Independence Day


Labor Day


Veteran's Day


Thanksgiving Day


& Following Day


Crhistmas Eve


Christmas Day


Day After Christmas
Please note that crisis services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on the dates we are closed. If you need emergency assistance, call our toll-free number at 1-800-373-4357