Adult Mental Health
Our 15 mental health clinics are serving a large geographic area throughout West Texas. Treatment is provided to help people recover from mental illness and enable them to continue in their jobs, be with their families and remain in the community. Services are provided to people who have serious mental illness and/or have difficulty with daily functioning due to mental illness. The following are examples of services provided:
- 24 Hour Crisis Intervention
- Case Management
- Psychiatric Evaluation and Consultation
- Hospital Screening
- Medication Management
- Supported Housing and Employment
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- Assistance with Accessing Benefits
- Substance Use Disorder Services
- Assistance with referrals to inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
- Assistance with referrals to inpatient substance abuse detox programs

Our Intake Process
Your first step is to call us to schedule your initial appointment. We work hard to pair you with a therapist that we believe will be the best fit for you and your current struggles. Your first appointment will determine your eligibility.
Eligibility Determination
All people interested in requesting mental health services are welcome to walk-in or call any of the clinics to be screened/assessed by a Licensed Professional of the Healing Arts (LPHA) to determine eligibility for services or link the individual to community support services based upon needs.
Call 1-800-375-4357 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

If you are in crisis please contact
us at:
Call Us 24/7