Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services
West Texas Center’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Centers contract with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to offer help and support to hundreds of people with IDD. Our IDD services provided include:
- Screening and eligibility
- Day Programming
- Employment Assistance
- Service Coordination
- Self-help Skills Training
- Respite
- Residential Support
- Assistance with Transitioning from Schools
- Home & Community Based Services
- Texas Home Living Waiver Services
- Nursing
- Community Support
- Supported Employment
- Vocational Training

Determination of eligibility for IDD services and supports
A determination of eligibility is an assessment (or endorsement of an assessment) to determine if a person has an intellectual disability or is a member of the HHSC priority population for IDD. The assessment uses standardized tests to determine a person’s IQ and ABL and is conducted by a qualified professional. An assessment (or endorsement) typically includes an interview with the person, the person’s legally authorized representative (LAR), or, if the person doesn’t have an LAR, others who are actively involved with the person. This service also may be requested as part of a formal petition for guardianship.
If you choose to access the ICF/IID residential option, you can keep your current placement on interest lists for home and community- based waiver services, such as HCS, Texas Home Living, Community Living Assistance and Support Services, and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities programs. In addition to ICF placement assistance, our intake department can assist you with obtaining community services such as day habilitation, respite, and community supports, as well as, getting you placed on the HCS and TxHL Medicaid Waiver Program interest lists. We will work with you to obtain information about your needs, schedule you to meet with our psychologist to determine if you are eligible for services, and, if you are eligible, assign a service coordinator to you to help develop a service plan based on your preferences and needs using a person centered and trauma informed approach. Please contact our Intake hotline number at 1-888-831-6618 for more information and assistance.
For information about the ICF/IID program, please visit:
Information at:
allows you to search ICFs/IID homes with vacancies by county, city or zip code. It also lists any special services or areas of expertise.
Call 1-800-375-4357 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

If you are in crisis please contact
us at: